
As a bulk buyer of natural gas, you must be able to rely on your partner in all respects. At VNG Austria GmbH, we are closely involved in the gas industry in all its forms. Since entering the market in 2011, we have concentrated on needs-based and service-focused support for our customers. As a competent partner, we push the development of tailor-made solutions that underpin long-term customer relationships. As such, gas supplies at competitive prices and high-standard price models are at the heart of our operations.






average volume supplied each year (in TWh)

Gas market in Austria

The Austrian gas market is divided into two market regions – Eastern and Western Austria. VNG Austria covers both regions and thus supplies customers throughout Austria from a single source:

  • 1 market region East
  • 2 market region West Tyrol/Vorarlberg
Animation_Karte Austria weiß

Natural gas consumption in Austria is around 8 to 9 BCM (billion cubic metres) per year. Since there is no appreciable domestic production of natural gas and there are hardly any economically recoverable reserves, the required natural gas is mostly imported from Eastern Europe.

The gas is delivered via extensive pipeline systems from Russia and Europe to Austria. Here the natural gas is stored in one of the 6 pore storage facilities in Austria (Haidach, 7 fields, Puchkirchen/Haag, Aigelsbrunn, Tallesbrunn, Schönkirchen/Reyersdorf). The storage sites have a total capacity of up to 95.5 terawatt hours per year, so seasonal fluctuations in demand can be covered.

The Austrian market also acts as a hub for the onward distribution of natural gas to southern, western and also eastern Europe. The most important point is the Central European Gas Hub (CEGH) in Baumgarten (Lower Austria). Since the establishment of the CEGH in 2012, the international importance of the Austrian gas market has steadily increased.

In the direction of Germany, Oberkappel and Burghausen (Upper Austria) in particular are important crossing points. In the direction of Italy, Arnoldstein/Tarviso (Carinthia) is part of the transit route to Italy, as is Murfeld (Styria) in the direction of Slovenia.